If the treatment is provided by our panel1 or extended panel2, the co-payment limit per policy year is up to $3000.
If you are claiming for pre-hospitalisation treatment, post-hospitalisation treatment or special benefits (if it applies), we will not apply the co-payment limit if the treatment during the insured’s stay in hospital is not provided by our panel1 or extended panel2.
If you are claiming for consultation fees, medicines, examinations or tests for the main outpatient hospital treatment that is covered under your policy, we will apply the co-payment limit only if the main outpatient hospital treatment is provided by our panel1 or extended panel2.
For each claim that meets the limits on special benefits (if it applies) or the limit for each policy year of your policy, the co-payment for that claim will not be added towards the co-payment limit of $3,000 for each policy year.
When the insured is under the care of more than one registered medical practitioner or specialist for their stay in hospital or the main outpatient hospital treatment under your policy, we will apply the co-payment limit as long as the main treating registered medical practitioner or specialist (shown in the hospital records as the principal doctor) is part of our panel1 or extended panel2.
For each stay in hospital of 12 months or less, where the treatment is provided by our panel1 or extended panel2, you must pay the co-payment (up to a maximum of $3,000) for one policy year (even if the stay in hospital runs into the next policy year). If the stay in hospital is for a continuous period of more than 12 months but less than 24 months, you must also pay up to the maximum co-payment for the next policy year. And, for each further period of 12 months or less that the stay in hospital extends for, you must pay the co-payment for one extra policy year.
1Panel or preferred partner means a:
- registered medical practitioner;
- specialist;
- hospital;
- or medical institution;
approved by us. The lists of approved panels and preferred partners, which we may update from time to time, can be found at income.com.sg/specialist-panel. Our list of approved panels also includes all restructured hospitals, community hospitals and voluntary welfare organisations (VWO) dialysis centres.
2Extended panel means a registered medical practitioner or specialist approved by us to provide coverage on the benefits in the rider. The registered medical practitioner or specialist must not be on our panel or preferred partners lists and must meet other criteria including being on another Integrated Shield Plan provider’s panel listing. The approved extended panel list, which we may update from time to time, can be found at income.com.sg/specialist-panel.