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Finance Matters

Here’s Why Your Company Insurance May Not Be Enough

Company insurance vs personal insurance: Are your employee benefits enough to protect you?

by Sherlyne Yong
  • Jun 09, 2022
  • 6 mins
Insurance Insurance

Travel Insurance By The Hour: How Income's New Travel Plan Works

Travel insurance is a must for air travel, but can you get coverage for shorter trips by land or sea? Find out more about FlexiTravel Hourly Insurance here!

by Susan Lau
  • Apr 28, 2022
  • 5 mins
Travel Insurance Travel Insurance
Finance Matters

What Happens If Your Parent Dies Without A Will

Most people find it difficult to speak with their parents about writing a Will. Find out about the implications of not having a Will, and how you can write one.

by Alvin T'ng
  • Apr 13, 2022
  • 6 mins
Estate Planning Estate Planning

Heading to Malaysia? Here’s a 4-Day Kuala Lumpur Itinerary

Heading to Kuala Lumpur? Here’s all you need to know about where to go, eat and stay.

by Susan Lau
  • Mar 10, 2022
  • 11 mins
Travel Travel VTL VTL
Health & Well-being

How Life Insurance Can Cover You For Mental Illnesses

Mental illnesses are on the rise, but help is also becoming more available. Find out how life insurance can be there for you.

by Shu Rin Hoe
  • Mar 09, 2022
  • 4 mins
Life Insurance Life Insurance Mental Wellness Mental Wellness

How Much Allowance Should I Give My Child For Primary School?

Giving your child an allowance instills good money management habits early. Here are tips on how much to give, how to oversee their spending, along with a kid-friendly…

by Jenny Tai
  • Jan 31, 2022
  • 5 mins
Financial Literacy Financial Literacy Parenting Parenting
Family , Finance Matters

Elderly Care in Singapore – Your Guide to Options and Costs

Whether it’s for you or your loved ones, know your elderly care options so you can make informed decisions when the time comes.

by Shu Rin Hoe
  • Dec 22, 2021
  • 4 mins
Elderly Care Elderly Care Family Finances Family Finances
Family , Finance Matters

The Cost of University in Singapore: Local v. Private Fees

What is the cost of university in Singapore and the best way to fund your university fees?

by Sherlyne Yong
  • Dec 17, 2021
  • 9 mins
Education Education Family Finances Family Finances



  • Dec 08, 2021
  • 0 mins
Health & Well-being

Types of Critical Illness Singaporeans Should Know and How to Be Protected

Find out what critical illnesses are and how you can stay protected against them. 

by Felice Dominique Albay
  • Dec 01, 2021
  • 5 mins
Critical Illness Critical Illness
Finance Matters

Why does the CPF Special Account (CPF SA) matter to Singaporeans?

Our CPF Special Account is important, and knowing how to use it can payoff in the future.

by Ryan Ong
  • Nov 26, 2021
  • 6 mins
CPF CPF Investments Investments

3 Ways to Maintain Closeness with Your Adult Children

As children become adults, our role and expectations as parents must evolve to sustain a close relationship with them.

by Neetu Katyal Piplani
  • Nov 24, 2021
  • 4 mins
Parenting Parenting Retirement Planning Retirement Planning