Careers Women

6 Tips for Women to be Successful in the Workplace

bySusan Lau
  • Nov 15, 2021
  • 5 mins

As a modern day woman, being self-sufficient is important for me. I’m looking to be my own Prince Charming and not have to rely on others. To get there, ensuring that I do my best in my career is key. While it might take a lot of hard work and dedication, here are 6 tips I’m using to give myself the best chance of success.

1.    Set career, personal development, & financial goals

Setting career, personal and financial goals is an important step.

Setting goals for yourself isn’t about keeping to deadlines or deeming yourself a failure. Rather, they’re meant to help you think long term and ensure that your daily actions are on the right track towards your goals. The sky’s the limit but of course, do set goals that are attainable. For me, I like to break my goals down into career, personal and financial goals.


Think about what you want to achieve within the next 3 to 5 years and then drill down into how you’re going to get there. For instance, say you want to get promoted. What gaps do you see between where you are now and where you have to be to get promoted? Are there certain skills or projects you need to complete to get you there? Who/what can help get you there? 


Personal goals could range from soft skills (eg. self-confidence, project management, people management) to actual learned skills (eg. languages, baking, dressmaking). Take stock of what skills you want to build on and then list ways you can do so. Very often, you’ll be able to find free resources online to help you develop these.


Financial goals can look different for everyone, from paying off old debts, to saving for your first home, to making your first investment or even retiring by 40. Try dividing your financial goals by timeframe, so you can prioritise where your money goes. If in doubt, expert help is always available to help you figure out and then plan for your financial goals.

2.    Be open to learning and self-improvement 

Having an open attitude to learning and self-improvement makes a lot of difference when it comes to becoming a better you. Following your goal-setting, prioritise a list of the top 5 skills you want to master, then plot your way there.  

For example, if a financial goal was to better understand how to plan for retirement, take some time to look for resources that can help you. A simple Google search is often a great way to start, with so many free resources available online. Next, make time to learn by time blocking your self-learning sessions on your calendar. After work or on the weekends, carve out time to learn and make an effort to concentrate on your chosen subject just for those few hours. 

3.    Find a career mentor and/or mentor others

Finding a mentor or mentoring others can be a great learning opportunity.

If you find yourself admiring another woman’s trajectory in the company, ask if they could mentor you. Rather than trying to copy their journey step by step, try to understand how they approach problems and evaluate how to apply it in your own experience. For instance, how do they resolve resource issues, or manage difficult stakeholders? Most people are happy to share advice on anything they can, if only you are willing to ask.  

Conversely, if someone asks you to mentor them, embrace this opportunity! The best way to understand something is to teach someone else. You might learn more about yourself while teaching someone how you achieved something. Uplift other women to help build a more supportive environment for all women to succeed. 

4.    Build networks or support system within your workplace

The workplace is the best place to build a network or support system. You’re there for 7 to 9 hours per day, working with others, solving issues, and pushing the company forward, so it makes sense to nurture good working relationships.  

Not only will having good working relationships make your work more enjoyable, but you’ll also learn more about how the company operates beyond just your role or team. You might learn new skills from other colleagues or better understand processes. This not only improves your productivity within the company, but should you wish to leave and seek another role, you’ll bring with you a better understanding and experience of how different businesses work. (Side note: having good relations with many colleagues also means more references for your CV in future!)

Everyone needs a good support system at work.

5.    Speak up and ask for opportunities 

As they say, you miss 100 percent of the shots you don't take so make the effort to advocate for yourself, especially if you’re soft-spoken. If you’re interested in a certain project and have the confidence to lead it or be involved, let your manager know. 

Not only is this the only sure way to let your managers clued in on what you really want out of your job (as opposed to them trying to guess your goals), it’s also a chance to show them what you’re made of. When you succeed, this can further boost your confidence and make you more likely to be considered for future projects! 

6.    Make time for self-care 

Self-care is always equated to spa days, chocolate, and a glass of wine, thanks to social media. No harm in indulging in these but the self-care I’m advocating for is a little different yet, no less important.

Real self-care involves taking care of your physical, emotional and financial needs.

Take care of your physical and mental health by exercising regularly, eating healthily and ensuring you’re getting enough sleep. Try to cook more at home, as it’s healthier and also less costly. No need to commit to it overnight but perhaps start with cooking on the weekends and gradually increase your frequency.

Speaking of cutting costs when it comes to eating, make time to practise financial self-care as well. Financial self-care could mean taking the time to review your monthly budget or going through your financial status quo with a financial planner. The goal here is to be in regular touch with your finances, understanding what you have versus what you need for your goals, and ensuring that you’re on track. 

For starters, you can consider Gro Saver Flex Pro which allows you to customise your insurance savings plan with a flexible choice of premium and policy terms to best meet your financial needs. In addition, stay protected^ against death and terminal illness.


To be successful is no easy feat, but the beauty of it is that you can determine what success looks like for you. Whatever your goals are, take charge and go hard for them and build the life you want to live. 

Tags: Careers Women

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