In this Terms and Conditions the following terms shall have the meaning assigned to them below:
- “Promotion” means the Birthday $10 eCapitaVouchers Promotion.
- “Income” means Income Insurance Limited.
- “SNACK App” means the SNACK BY INCOME mobile application.
- Eligible SNACK Products means any of these SNACK Products - SNACK Accident, SNACK Critical Illness, SNACK Life or SNACK Investment.
- ”Premiums” means the amount of money that was used to buy the Eligible SNACK Products, SNACK Pack premium is not included.
- "SNACK Pack" means SNACK Self Care Pack or SNACK Chillax Pack.
- "e-voucher" for this Promotion will be in the form of eCapitaVoucher.
- "Birthday month" is based on month that user's birthday falls on and birthday details that is registered under SNACK registered account.
- "Policy" means policy issued for any Eligible SNACK Products.
1. Income is offering $10 e-voucher if you issue a paid policy of any premium amount for Eligible SNACK Products and/or subscribed to any SNACK Pack (Self Care Pack / Chillax Pack) during your birthday month.
2. The Promotion is valid from 1 January 2024 until:
- 31 December 2024, or
- the date the total value of e-voucher issued by Income under this Promotion cumulatively, reaches $150,000, (inclusive of both dates), whichever is earlier (the “Promotion Period”).
3. You will be eligible for the e-voucher under this Promotion if:
- you directly receive a SNACK App push notification or email from Income regarding this promotion and is the intended recipient;
- you are a Singapore Citizen or Singapore Permanent Resident;
- you are between 18 – 61 years old (inclusive of both years);
- you are have an existing and valid SNACK account on the SNACK app;
- you have issue a paid policy of any premium amount for Eligible SNACK Products and/or subscribed to any SNACK Pack during your birthday month.
4. If you are eligible to receive the e-voucher, you will be fulfilled in the form of e-voucher via your SNACK registered email by 2 months from your birthday month.
5. Each applicant shall only be entitled to the e-voucher once, under this Promotion.
6. The e-voucher is non-exchangeable for cash or benefit in kind.
7. Income reserves the right to replace the e-voucher with items of similar value (“Replacement Item”) at any time without prior notice.
8. For premiums that is paid for SNACK Investment, any withdrawal during birthday month will deemed to have forfeited and not be accounted for the Promotion.
9. Usage of the e-voucher is subject to the merchant’s or manufacturer’s terms and conditions of use. Income shall not be responsible or liable for any defect or malfunction in the e-voucher and/or for any losses, injuries, damages, claims, costs and expenses or for any special or consequential damages or losses, or harm suffered or incurred or in connection with the receipt, use or enjoyment of the e-voucher by any person.
10. Income is not the manufacturer or merchant of the e-voucher. Income shall not be responsible for and neither does Income provide any warranties, expressed or implied, including warranties of merchantability, fitness of a particular purpose and non-infringement of intellectual property rights in respect of the e-voucher.
11. No joint venture, sponsorship, tie up, agency or any other relationship is intended or created between Income and the manufacturer or merchant in respect of the e-voucher. Neither is the Promotion intended or deemed to be a connection with or use of the brand name of other merchants of the e-voucher, including with the products and services offered by the other merchants.
12. Incomeʼs decision as the organiser of this Promotion is final and no correspondence will be entertained.
13. Income may vary these terms and conditions, or withdraw or discontinue the Promotion at any time without any notice or liability to any party.
14. In the event of any inconsistency between the terms and conditions of this Promotion and any marketing or promotional materials relating to the Promotion, these terms and conditions shall prevail.
Important Notes:
- This material shall not constitute an advice of the suitability of the product. You should seek independent advice from a qualified advisor where in doubt. Buying insurance products that are not suitable for you may impact your ability to finance your future insurance needs.
- The relevant policy contracts shall be made available to the applicant via the SNACK App. Terms, conditions and exclusions apply. This insurance plan is underwritten and issued by Income.
- Protected up to specified limits by SDIC.
Information is correct as at 1 January 2024.