What you need to know.


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Are you claiming under any of the following policies?


Prepare the required documents and complete the claim form

I’m claiming under a different policy from those above
Required documents
  • Attending Medical Practitioner's Statement, to be completed by the claimant and the attending doctor
  • Medical reports, investigation reports, laboratory reports and hospital discharge summary
  • Medically boarded out letter, if any
  • Newspaper clipping and police/accident report, if applicable
  • Passport/Travel documents showing departure dates from Singapore and entrance dates to other country outside of Singapore for the last 24 months (to be provided if illness/injury is diagnosed or treated overseas)
  • NRIC or relevant identification documents (e.g. FIN card, passports, birth certificates) of claimant
  • Proof of relationship if insured is different from policyholder (e.g. Birth certificate, Marriage certificate)
  • Marriage certificate and screenshot from SingPass (My Profile > Family) showing current marital information of spouse if claim on family waiver benefit or Affinity schemes policy
  • Birth certificate showing information of child and parent if claim on family waiver benefit

Claim forms

Dependants’ Protection Scheme
Required documents
  • Attending Medical Practitioner's Statement, to be completed by the claimant and the attending doctor
  • Medical reports, investigations reports, laboratory reports and hospital discharge summary
  • Medically boarded out letter, if any
  • Newspaper clipping and police/accident report, if applicable
  • Termination letter from last employer or CPF statement showing last employment contribution
  • Statement from CPF Board showing CPF contributions for the past 15 months
  • Passport/Travel documents showing departure dates from Singapore and entrance dates to other country outside of Singapore for the last 24 months (to be provided if illness/injury is diagnosed or treated overseas)
  • NRIC or relevant identification documents (e.g. FIN card, passports) of claimant

Claim forms

ElderShield Supplement / PrimeShield / Care Secure
Required documents

To claim under this policy, you must be unable to perform three or more of the following Activities of Daily Living (ADLs):

  • Washing
    The ability to wash in the bath or shower (including getting into and out of the bath or shower) or wash by other means.
  • Dressing
    The ability to put on, take off, secure and unfasten all garments and, as appropriate, any braces, artificial limbs or other surgical or medical appliances.
  • Feeding
    The ability to feed oneself food after it has been prepared and made available.
  • Toileting
    The ability to use the lavatory or manage bowel and bladder function through the use of protective undergarments or surgical appliances if appropriate.
  • Mobility
    The ability to move indoors from room to room on level surfaces.
  • Transferring
    The ability to move from a bed to an upright chair or wheelchair, and vice versa.
  • Hospital medical records and inpatient discharge summary
  • NRIC or relevant identification documents (e.g. FIN card, passport) of claimant, payee and/or caregiver
  • Disability assessment report, to be completed by an appointed assessor. Please arrange for an appointment for this assessment.

Booking an appointment 

Book an appointment with one of our appointed assessors for a disability assessment.

Please bring along the Completed ElderShield Supplement/PrimeShield/Care Secure Claim Form and your medical records/documents.

You will be required to pay a fee for the assessment.

Claim forms


Send us your documents and claim form

If you are unable to submit your claim online, please email us as follows:

a. Claims on Affinity schemes policy : groupclaim@income.com.sg
b. Claims on Individual life policy, DPS : csquery@income.com.sg.

c. Claims on ElderShield supplement/Primeshield/Care Secure policy: healthcare@income.com.sg

Important notes

  • Please ensure that all requirements for claim submission stated in our website are completed before submission to avoid unnecessary delay.
  • Unless you have submitted the original document to us, you are required to keep the original medical bills/receipts for six months as we may request for them for verification prior to/post settlement of your claim.
  • For all overseas claims, you are required to submit/follow up with the original notarised documents. 
  • Find out if the policyholder is mentally incapacitated1

    If you are unsure, the policyholder (insured) should go for a formal assessment by a registered medical practitioner and specialist in mental health. The assessor should not be related to the policyholder (insured).

    If the policyholder is
    mentally incapacitated

    As a caregiver, you will need to provide a copy of:

    • Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) document with the doctor/medical assessment certifying that the policyholder is mentally incapacitated, or Court Appointed Deputy document
    • Identification documents
    If the policyholder is NOT
    mentally incapacitated

    As a caregiver, you will need to provide a copy of:

    • Authorisation given by the policyholder to handle all insurance and claim matters on their behalf
    • Identification documents
    To process the claim, you will need to
    1. Download and fill in the Living Claim form and prepare the supporting documents listed in the checklist
    2. Download the Attending Medical Practitioner's Statement (AMPS) form that is applicable to your condition. The attending doctor2 of the policyholder must complete the form with reference to the diagnosed conditions
    3. Submit the following
      • Completed Living Claim form with the required supporting documents
      • Completed AMPS
      • All medical reports on the diagnosed condition
      • Copy of LPA with the doctor/medical assessment certifying that the policyholder is mentally incapacitated, or Court Appointed Deputy document (where applicable)
      • Copy of authorisation given by the policyholder to handle all insurance and claim matters on their behalf (where applicable)
      • Identification documents
    4. Claims can be submitted online (if the policyholder is not mentally incapacitated) or via email to us.

    1As defined under Section 4 of the Mental Capacity Act, a person lacks capacity in relation to a matter if at the material time he is unable to make a decision for himself in relation to the matter because of an impairment of, or a disturbance in the functioning of, the mind or brain. Please refer to the Mental Capacity act for full details. Formal assessment will be required. Registered medical practitioners and specialists in mental health can conduct formal assessments.

    2The insured’s regular attending doctor who is treating the insured on the diagnosed conditions.

    © 2022 Income. All rights reserved.

Your queries answered.

We will pay you the benefit in a lump sum after you have been certified as being totally and permanently disabled.

Total Permanent Disability benefit will only be payable when your condition fulfils the criteria stated in your policy document. We suggest waiting for your condition to stabilise before considering filing a claim if your current condition is unstable. If you submit your claim before your condition stabilises, we will not be able to assess your claim and will require you to resubmit your claim at a later date.

Total Permanent Disability refers to (i) the inability to take part in any employment permanently or (ii) the total permanent loss of physical function of any of the following:

  • Both eyes; or
  • Two limbs; or
  • One eye and one limb
  1. Total Permanent Disability is not about the difficulty of finding a job or whether a person is currently employed. It is about the ability of the person in performing work related activities. For example, if a person is still able to perform simple or sedentary forms of work, he/she is not considered to be totally and permanently disabled.
  2. For Total Permanent Disability due to total loss of physical function of both eyes, two limbs or one eye and one limb, loss must occur only after 1 May 2016 in order for claims to be payable.

A Court Order is required for claim payment if you are certified to be mentally incapacitated and unable to handle your financial affairs. A Court Order is a legal document which the Court grants to your next-of-kin or appointed person to handle your affairs on your behalf. If you had made a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) before the mental incapacity certification date, please forward a copy of the LPA document and a copy of the Donee’s identity card to us for our processing.

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Get in touch with us.
