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We adopt the following core values:

  • We take care of your financial needs and give you peace of mind.
  • We treat you with care, fairness and respect.
  • We listen and communicate with you actively.
  • We will set things right if something goes wrong.
  • We conduct our business with the highest standards of integrity.
  • We will be fair in all our dealings with you.

We welcome your feedback as it gives us an opportunity to improve our products and services. It helps us take good care of your financial needs and provide you with a better service experience.

However, if we fall short of your expectations, you can write directly to us at We will acknowledge receipt of your feedback / complaint within 2 business days and we may contact you for clarification or arrange for an interview with you, where necessary.

We will investigate the matter and provide you with our proposed resolution within 20 business days. If we need more time for the investigation, we will give you an indicative timeframe to update you on the outcome. We will also inform you how the remedial action(s) would be carried out should you accept our proposed resolution.

If you have an insurance policy with us, it will be helpful to indicate the policy number when you submit a feedback / complaint to us.

If you are not satisfied with the resolution of your complaint, you may approach the Financial Industry Disputes Resolution Centre Ltd (FIDReC). FIDReC is an independent and impartial institution specialising in the resolution of disputes between financial institutions and complainants. 

Financial Industry Disputes Resolution Centre Ltd (FIDReC)

