For directions to One Marina Boulevard:
Nearest Public Transport
Nearest Bus Stop: B03381 (Walking 2 mins from bus stop B03381)
Bus 653, 655, 657, 661, 662, 664, 666, 667, 668, 669, 670, 982E and 1
Nearest MRT station: Raffles Place MRT (NS26/EW14)
Walking 2 mins from Exit I to here
Suggested Parking and Rates Information on Saturdays (accurate as of Mar 2024)
One Marina Boulevard:
$3.24/30min from 7am to 1pm
$3.78/entry from 1pm to 7am the following day
One Raffles Quay:
$3.21 for 1st 4hr
$0.30/10min block from 6am to 6am the following day
Republic Plaza:
$3.50/entry from 7am to 7am the following day