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As of 25 Jul 2024

Fees & Charges
Pay with Cash, SRS
Premium charge Please refer to the fees and charges in the Product Summary of the applicable ILP for details.
Annual management fee 1.0% p.a.*

*Not guaranteed and may be reviewed from time to time. However, it shall not exceed 2.0% of the sub-fund balance at any point in time.

About the fund

Fund type Thematic Fund
Launch date 1 Sep 1995
Investment objective To achieve long-term capital appreciation by investing in a diversified global portfolio of equity securities issued by companies considered to be in compliance with Islamic guidelines. This sub-fund is designed based on Islamic principles.
Investment scope The sub-fund invests in the global equity markets via instruments that are Shariah compliant. The sub-fund is denominated in Singapore Dollars.
Fund manager Income Insurance Limited
Sub-investment managers

Wellington Management Singapore Pte Ltd

CPFIS risk classification N.A.
Inclusion in CPFIS N.A.
Structure Single fund
Benchmark S&P BMI Global Shariah Index in Singapore Dollars

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