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As of 25 Jul 2024

Fees & Charges
Pay with Cash, SRS, CPFIS (OA)
Premium charge Please refer to the fees and charges in the Product Summary of the applicable ILP for details.
Annual management fee 1.25% p.a.*

*Not guaranteed and may be reviewed from time to time. However, it shall not exceed 2.0% of the sub-fund balance at any point in time.

About the fund

Fund type Core fund
Launch date 1 Apr 1998
Investment objective To achieve long-term capital appreciation and diversification by investing in stocks traded on the global equity markets.
Investment scope The sub-fund is fully invested in global equities. The sub-fund is denominated in Singapore Dollars.
Fund manager Income Insurance Limited
Sub-investment managers

Morgan Stanley Investment Management Company
MFS International Singapore Pte Ltd and
Wellington Management Singapore Pte Ltd

CPFIS risk classification Higher Risk, Broadly Diversified
Inclusion in CPFIS Yes (CPF OA)
Structure Single fund
Benchmark MSCI World Index in Singapore Dollars

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