What you need to know.

1 Tell us what you would like to claim for

2 Prepare the required documents and complete the claim form

3 Send us your documents and claim form

Email to groupclaim@income.com.sg the completed claim form with a scanned copy or picture of all required supporting documents.

Ensure that the overall size of your email attachment(s) does not exceed 30MB.

For medical claims, keep the original medical bills/receipts for six months as we may request for them on case-by-case basis prior to settlement of the claim.

To receive payments as quickly as possible, opt for Direct Crediting under the Payment section in the claim form.

Important notes


  1. How to tell if your hospital/medical bills are original and final:
    a. The bill is a final bill, not an estimated or interim bill.
    b. The bill is an original copy, not a duplicate or a photocopy/scanned copy.
    c. The amount covered by Medisave is approved, if applicable.
    d. The amount covered by MediShield / your Private Shield plan is reflected on the bill, if applicable.
  2. Submission of original hospital / medical bills is only applicable for inpatient medical expenses.

Please note that day / minor surgery is classified as outpatient medical expenses which does not require the submission of original hospital / medical bills.

Information is correct as at 16 June 2023.

Your queries answered.

If the student is covered by another medical plan, can he/she claim from Junior Protection Plan?

In the event that the bill has been fully settled under another medical plan, you will not be able to claim under your Junior Protection Plan. However, if the bill is only partially settled, you can claim for the remaining amount or up to the policy limit as specified under your policy, whichever is lower.

Are medical expenses incurred for treatment of an illness claimable?

No, they are not claimable. Junior Protection Plan reimburse medical expenses due to accidental injury only. 

Let us help you.