Frequently Asked Questions

  • Q:How can I invest in Aim Series?


    You can invest in Aim Series via any of the following ways:

    • Purchase a new single premium or regular premium ILP
    • Topping up into an existing ILP
    • Switching funds within an existing ILP
  • Q:What is the CPF rating for Aim Series?


    The CPF rating and type of CPF funds available for investment are as follows:

    Aim Series CPF Rating Source of Fund
    Aim Now 2A - Low to Medium Risk,
    Broadly Diversified
    Yes Yes
    Aim 2025 3A - Medium to High Risk,
    Broadly Diversified
    Yes Yes
    Aim 2035 4A - Higher Risk,
    Broadly Diversified
    Yes No
    Aim 2045 4A - Higher Risk,
    Broadly Diversified
    Yes No

    You may wish to note that investment using CPF monies can only be done via FlexiLink, a single premium investment-linked plan (ILP).

  • Q:What are the Target Maturity Dates for Aim Series?


    The Target Maturity Date for each fund is as follows:

    FundMaturity Date
    Aim NowNo maturity date
    Aim 2025October 2025
    Aim 2035October 2035
    Aim 2045October 2045

    If these dates fall on a weekend/public holiday, the last business day before it will be taken as the maturity date of the fund.

  • Q:What happens to the fund when it reaches its maturity date?


    The fund will be closed upon maturity.

  • Q:What happens to my investment when the funds are closed?


    You will be notified when funds are to be closed, due to maturity date or other reasons. You will be advised of your options. For funds that are closed, the default option is to reinvest the cash value from the fund that has been closed, to other appropriate funds in our absolute discretion to achieve a similar investment objective.

  • Q:What is the asset allocation of Aim Series?


    The following table shows that asset allocation of each fund as at 31 Dec 2010:

    Model Allocations (%)AIM NowAIM 2025AIM 2035AIM 2045
    Fixed Income67.8%44.5%27.1%18.9%
    Cash and Equivalent23.1%5.9%6.1%6.1%

    Note: Any differences in the total and percentage of the Net Asset figures are the result of rounding off.

  • Q:What are the annual management charges for the funds?


    The table below shows the current annual management charges for each fund. The annual management charge is not guaranteed and may be reviewed from time-to-time.

    Fund Annual Management Charges
    Aim Now0.85%
    Aim  20251.00%
    Aim 2035 1.00%
    Aim 2045 1.00%

  • Q:Which fund offers distribution?


    Aim Now Fund offers distribution. The distribution will be made out of the income, capital gains, and/or capital of the fund. The distributions are not guaranteed.

  • Q:When is the distribution made for Aim Now Fund?


    We intend to make semi-annual distributions of up to 2% of the next asset value on 31 May and 30 Nov each year (Declaration Dates). If these dates fall on a weekend/public holiday, the last business day before these dates (31 May & 30 Nov) will be taken as the Declaration Date.

  • Q:What happens to the unit price of Aim Now fund after distribution?


    The unit price of Aim Now Fund will be reduced accordingly after the distribution. The number of units available will remain the same, unless the distribution is reinvested into this fund.

  • Q:What options are available for distribution?


    The default option for distribution is to reinvest them at bid price into Aim Now Fund.

    If you wish to encash the distribution, you will need to either indicate your choice in the application form or notify us in writing at least 30 days before the Declaration Date. A cheque would be sent to you within 45 days from the Declaration Date.

    However, any distribution below S$50 has to be reinvested and encashment is not allowed. Also, any distribution from funds purchased using CPFIS/SRS monies, if applicable, will also be reinvested.

    The unit prices for reinvestment will be determined on payout date, which would be within 45 days from the Declaration Date.

  • Q:Will the distribution by Aim Now Fund affect the insurance coverage provided by the investment-linked plan (ILP)?


    No, the insurance coverage is not affected by the distribution of Aim Now Funds.

  • Q:Will reinvestment of the distribution increase the insurance coverage provided by the ILP?


    No, the reinvestment of distribution from Aim Now Fund does not increase the insurance coverage.

  • Q:Will withdrawal of funds after they have been reinvested, reduce the insurance coverage?


    Yes, withdrawal funds after they have been reinvested will reduce the insurance coverage.

  • Q:What is the cut-off time used to determine pricing of the units?


    The cut-off time for approval of application and receipt of premium is 3.00 pm (Singapore time) on each working day (Monday to Friday), excluding weekends and public holidays).

    Applications and/or premiums received by us after the cut-off time will be transacted based on the price prevailing as at the next working day.

    We reserve the right to revise the cut-off time.

  • Q:Who are the managers and sub-managers of Aim Series?


    The manager and sub-manager of the fund are Income and Schroder Investment Management (Singapore) Ltd respectively.

    Incorporated in 1970, Income is one of the largest insurance companies in Singapore. In our 39 years of operation, we have matured into a leading insurer with assets of S$20.3 billion. Our highly qualified team manages funds with a long-term value approach. With a strong commitment to our Co-operative values, we also seek to achieve the best value for our policyholders.

    Schroders is a leading global asset management company, whose history dates back over 200 years. The group’s holding company, Schroders Plc is and has been listed on the London Stock Exchange since 1959. Schroders’ aim is to apply their specialist asset management skills in serving the needs of their clients worldwide. With one of the largest networks of offices of any dedicated asset management company, and over 350 portfolio managers and analysts covering the world’s investment markets, they offer their clients a comprehensive range of products and services.

    Schroder Investment Management (Singapore) Ltd was incorporated in Singapore and has been managing collective investment schemes and discretionary funds since 1992.